Community Resources & Service Providers
We Got Us Now - A National Advocacy Organization Built by, Led by and About Children of Incarcerated Parents (USA)
Elizabeth Fry Society of Greater Vancouver
Child Welfare Information Gateway
These videos and handouts were created with and for the Ontario Association of Children's Aid Society (OACAS), to educate child protection workers about the issues, rights and needs of children and youth who have a parent in prison
A free guide for caregivers of children with incarcerated parents (E Fry Vancouver)
Legislation & Child Rights
Submission to the United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child: A Response to Canada’s Fifth and Sixth Reports on the Convention on the Rights of the Child: Regarding Children of Incarcerated Parents in Canada - Canadian Friends Service Committee
Beyond Neglected Event Report - Child Welfare League of Canada
It s Time to Act: Council of Europe Recommendation CM/Rec(2018)5 on children with imprisoned
parents - Children of Prisoners Europe (COPE)
Resources for Children/Youth
Children’s Books on Parental Incarceration: Book Reviews by Aislinn Gallivan
Resources for children by the Canadian Families and Corrections Network
Are you looking for more resources for children and/or youth? Go to our 'For Children & Youth' page for information about resources for children/youth, services available, and more.
Everyone in San Francisco Has Something to Say About Chesa Boudin A wave of discontent crashes on a progressive prosecutor. - New York Magazine
From the Mother of an Incarcerated Son - The New Yorker
Every Second The Impact of the Incarceration Crisis on America’s Families
Research & Academic Resources
The Impact of COVID-19 worldwide on Children with Incarcerated Parents - INCCIP
The Impact of COVID-19 Prison Lockdowns on Children with Incarcerated Parents - Dr Shona Minson, Centre for Criminology, University of Oxford
Mother–Child Programs for Incarcerated Mothers and Children and Associated Health Outcomes: A Scoping Review - Nursing Leadership
The Curious Invisibility of Children of Prisoners in Canadian Criminal Justice Policy - Else Marie Knudsen
Intergenerational Imprisonment: Resistance and Resilience in Indigenous Communities - Linda Mussell
Children of Incarcerated Parents, A Shared Sentence: The Devastating Toll of Parental Incarceration Kids, Families, and Communities - Annie E. Casey Foundation
A Holistic Approach to Prisoners’ Families - From Arrest to Release - Rachel Condry and Peter Scharff Smith
Counting The Cost Of Maternal Imprisonment - Russell Webster
Seven Out of Ten? Not Even Close - James M. Conway, and Edward T. Jones, Central Connecticut State University
Maternal Incarceration in a Provincial Prison in Canada: A Qualitative Study - Martha Paynter, Dalhousie University School of Nursing
Covid-19 and the Rights of Children of Parents who are Incarcerated: Impacts and Recommendations - Child Rights Connect
Responding to Parental Incarceration As a Priority Pediatric Health Issue - American Academy of Pediatrics - Commentary
Standards and Norms
Report on The Human Rights of Federally-Sentenced Persons
(see pages 92-107)
November 2015